Keeper of the Bees

Recently while cleaning my desk I found a list of photo ideas I had at some point. I decided that I would try and complete that list of ideas and this is one of them. I was inspired by the horns dripping with honey. Also with Fantasy Faire starting later next month I need to get my fantastical-ness going!

I admit that I owed almost 95 percent of the items for this photo before taking it but I did decide I needed special honey earrings. What can I say when I pick a theme I go a little hard.


Top: RIOT / Cassiopeia Tank – Warm Pack

Earrings: *PKC* LeL EVO X Bzzzzzzz

Hair: Wasabi // Honey Mesh Hair –

Horns: Jinx : Honey Bee Horns

Legs: Jinx : Satyr Legs for Females

Leg Flowers: Jinx : Flowers for Satyr Legs

Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head


Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – LaraX

Poses w/flowers: :LW: Bento Poses – Buttercups

Grass: (Fundati) Ansie Flowers W/Grass

Stone wall: (Fundati) Stonewall Set

Bushes: (Fundati) Fatpack Bushes

Bee Hives: Apple Fall Bees Fatpack

Trees: (Fundati) Giant Sycamore Trees